December 6, 2023
The Sacred Essence of Blackfoot Culture
In this episode, you will spend time with a group of people from the Blackfoot Confederacy and will learn about Blackfoot Culture. Listen now!
ListenDecember 6, 2023
In this episode, you will spend time with a group of people from the Blackfoot Confederacy and will learn about Blackfoot Culture. Listen now!
ListenOctober 25, 2023
“Our way of life is a collective. All Blackfoot people are one.” - Johnathon Red Gun (Siksika)
ListenJune 7, 2023
“The land is our mother. The forest is our father. And the river is our blood.”
ListenSeptember 14, 2022
At the start of each year, the Gabbra people of eastern Africa come together to celebrate. They spend much of the year traveling long distances, managing large herds of grazing animals across vast stretches of grasslands and deserts.
ListenAugust 31, 2022
One hundred years ago, Gabbra elders in the dry lands of eastern Africa told their nomadic people that a big change was coming. To get through it, they would need to hold their traditions close.
ListenFebruary 2, 2022
The Achuar People living in the rainforests of Ecuadorian Amazon are stewards of land that holds some of the richest biodiversity in the world.