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Wayfinders Circle Berättelser


Förstärker inhemska röster

Gå in i livet för ursprungsbefolkningar över hela världen och bevittna deras djupa koppling till landet, vattendragen och förfädernas kunskapssystem.

Varje berättelse är en inbjudan att lyssna uppmärksamt när ursprungsbefolkningens äldste, visdomsvårdare och samhällsledare delar med sig av sina förfäders kunskaper och vägleder oss mot en hållbar framtid.


Blackfoot-kulturens heliga väsen

I det här avsnittet kommer du att umgås med en grupp människor från Blackfoot Confederacy och kommer att lära dig mer om Blackfoot Culture. Lyssna nu!

Tyson Running Wolf during the recording of the film Niitsitapi.
Borneo forest canopy. Photo by Kynan Tegar.

september 18, 2024

In the Peruvian Amazon, The Wampis Nation are at the Forefront of Resistance Against Illegal Mining

Indigenous autonomous government reinforces independent protection of its territory while accusing national authorities of neglect.

The Wampis’ governance is based on a Statute that lays out the Wampis vision for the future in all areas of life including religion, spirituality, education, language, and the recovery of ancestral sites.

september 9, 2024

In the Peruvian Amazon, The Wampis Nation are at the Forefront of Resistance Against Illegal Mining

Indigenous autonomous government reinforces independent protection of its territory while accusing national authorities of neglect.

The Sámi people live in reindeer herding communities throughout an extensive area of the Arctic. Photo by Sámiid Riikkasearvi.

augusti 26, 2024

Four Reindeer Herding Communities Sue the Swedish State to Grant Licences for Small Game Hunting and Fishing in Sápmi Territory

The young Indonesian filmmaker Kynan Tegar.

augusti 1, 2024

Decolonizing Storytelling: The value of Indigenous Perspectives. An interview With Kynan Tegar

Growing up in and around the forested village of Sungai Utik and learning from the elders, Kynan Tegar continues to tell the stories of resistance in the face of colonization taught to him.

Members of the Rapa Nui comnunity welcome attendees at the screening of their film - "Te Pits o Te Henua" or "The Navel of the World" - during the Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture in June. Photoby Dan Lin, Nia Tero.

juli 8, 2024

"Landet är vår mor": Sungai Utiks motstånd mot utvinningsindustrier i Indonesien

Genom sedvanerätt och kollektivt beslutsfattande skyddade en ursprungsbefolkning uppskattningsvis 1,31 miljoner ton skogsbaserat kol.


juli 1, 2024

Trailer: Inia Ikiampri

The fourth film of a series highlighting Indigenous Peoples from the Wayfinders Circle initiative, a thriving Indigenous community in the Ecuadorian Amazon clings to tradition and connections to land while preparing for an uncertain future.

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Members of the Dayak Iban group in the Sungai Util community, where they live in a longhouse that serves as a space for collective decision-making. Photo credit to Dayak Iban Menua Sungai Utik.

juni 12, 2024

‘The Land is Our Mother’: The Sungai Utik’s Resistance to Extractive Industries in Indonesia

Through customary law and collective decision-making, an Indigenous community protected an estimated 1.31 million metric tons of forest-based carbon.

Te Pito Thumbnail Trailer

maj 12, 2024

Tuhayamani'chi Pal Waniqa

In the first of a series of global films highlighting Indigenous Peoples from the Wayfinders Circle initiative, water and culture bring together a father and daughter as they fight to protect their Indigenous homelands in Southern California.

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maj 12, 2024

Tuhayamani'chi Pal Waniqa

In the first of a series of global films highlighting Indigenous Peoples from the Wayfinders Circle initiative, water and culture bring together a father and daughter as they fight to protect their Indigenous homelands in Southern California.

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maj 12, 2024

Tuhayamani'chi Pal Waniqa

In the first of a series of global films highlighting Indigenous Peoples from the Wayfinders Circle initiative, water and culture bring together a father and daughter as they fight to protect their Indigenous homelands in Southern California.

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maj 12, 2024

Tuhayamani'chi Pal Waniqa

In the first of a series of global films highlighting Indigenous Peoples from the Wayfinders Circle initiative, water and culture bring together a father and daughter as they fight to protect their Indigenous homelands in Southern California.

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maj 1, 2024

Tuhayamani'chi Pal Waniqa

In the first of a series of global films highlighting Indigenous Peoples from the Wayfinders Circle initiative, water and culture bring together a father and daughter as they fight to protect their Indigenous homelands in Southern California.

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